Get yourself a Secret box and start loving yourself.
Here is the practice that helped me to feel loved and appreciated.
As a coach and person who is constantly growing and moving forward I’m going through lots of practices myself and if I find them effective, I then share them with my clients.
Here is one practice I liked from a course I took recently!
Every morning I’d wake up and take a minute to look in the mirror, smile and hug myself! 
I’m looking myself in the eyes saying the following words: Veronika, I love you for ... (i.e. how you look today, how kind you are, the way you helped that person, etc)
And say whatever comes up to me that morning! 
Important! Doing it for a full minute! 
Then get yourself your special box/jar/bag and small pieces of paper and then write down a few things you said to yourself while looking in the mirror in a bullet form format, fold and put in the box.
I’ve been doing it every morning for 30 days and it felt sooo good! I felt more calm and self confident, didn’t need external prof or validation!
Highly recommend! Let me know if you’d try it.


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